A guide to LGBTQ+ family planning in Arizona

Jun. 7, 2021 by

I recently embarked on a new journey with my partner of almost seven years. After we finally felt like we’ve reached a point in our lives that we can consider

Stop talking about my age like it matters

Apr. 18, 2018 by

I just recently discovered that I’m a millennial. It was more like I had this “come to Jesus” moment when I was sitting at a networking event I frequently attend.

Welcome back!

Nov. 28, 2016 by

I’d like to thank myself for circling back around to the blog space. I’ve missed you. As you can see, I’ve moved everything over to a new domain, but rest

Dear baby boomers, please cut my generation some slack

Sep. 7, 2013 by

I graduated college in an economic time labeled “the worst recession since The Great Depression.” Not to mention I paid for all of my post-secondary education myself. I was the

Think before you print

Jan. 18, 2012 by

Have you ever wondered if not printing an e-mail is really saving the planet? Are the little “think before you print” messages making a dent in our efforts to go

Playground rules: Rebuilding our elementary economy

May. 31, 2011 by

News sources are saying that Arizona is out of the recession. If that’s true, now what? I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the future. How did America


Dec. 16, 2010 by

Explains my recent graduation and degree from Arizona State University.

This WordPress thing is…

Jun. 15, 2010 by

I’m new to Wordpress. I hope to include all sorts of information here.